After years of neglect, a sweet shelter dog finally feels safe and falls asleep in the rescuer's arms.

She'd been unloved for so long that she melted into her new human's arms before they even left the shelter.

Bella, a dog in a shelter, is all too familiar with the loneliness of life. She had spent nearly her entire life trapped in a cold concrete enclosure at an overflowing city pound in Romania. Not only was she kept caged and neglected, but she also suffered from fleas and health issues, including problems with her spleen and liver, due to a lack of medical attention.

Although it may have seemed like an endless cycle of sadness, life had not given up on the lonely shelter dog just yet.

Though this was largely the sole life Bella had ever known, everything was about to change for the shelter dog when a kind soul from Howl of a Dog walked into the pound one day and saw her.

An employee of the rescue organization visited the compound where Bella was located. When she saw the lonesome shelter dog in her enclosure separated by a metal grate, the worker put her hand up to the cage and was touched by how sweet the dog was. Bella immediately gave them a lick and greeted them with a hello. Obviously, all this cute shelter dog needs is some love and affection.

After visiting with the pup for a couple of minutes, it became clear that she couldn’t be left there to rot. The workers arranged to break her free from the lonely, run-down pound. It was obvious from the moment Bella was delivered to the Howl of a Dog shelter that she was visibly more comfortable.

“She appeared to have instantly understood that she was being rescued and that she’s safe,” the shelter said.

Bella felt so safe, in fact, that as they waited for her vet exam at her new shelter, she crawled up onto the couch and into her rescuer’s lap, where she quickly fell asleep.

“She was so trusting and relieved to be finally rescued that she simply fell asleep in my arms while we were heading to the veterinary clinic,” the shelter wrote on their Facebook.

Shelter staff was happy to find out that Bella’s liver and spleen issues could be treated with the supplements the veterinarian provided. They also gave this neglected shelter dog a much-needed medicated soap bath to help her eliminate fleas and relieve her itchy skin.

Once they got Bella back to the shelter, she took almost no time at all to settle into her new environment. Though she had been underweight when they found her at the pound, she was now eating a lot of food and putting on a healthy amount of weight. Instead of being locked up all day long, Bella now gets to spend time making friends and playing with the other dogs in the shelter.

After she had received all of her shots and was up to a healthy weight, Howl of a Dog posted Bella’s story to their Facebook page. They had been giving regular updates on the sweet shelter dog in hopes that someone would adopt her.

It took a little time to find the now 6-year-old dog a forever home, but finally in December of 2018, Howl of a Dog was happy to announce that Bella had finally found her forever family in Germany.


Bella has found a loving family in Germany. Her new home is in a beautiful and quiet village, and she goes for many walks in the forest, which she absolutely loves (she has seen deer, foxes, squirrels, and a badger, and is extremely excited by it all), and she follows her mom around wherever she goes.

We couldn't be happier for Bella; she will enjoy the quiet life in the countryside, but at the same time, she will have lots of fun with many things to learn and do in the great outdoors. Bella has settled in quickly; she's loved and spoiled, and she's also getting along well with her new four-legged companion, Bumble," the shelter wrote.

Thanks to a touch tender love and care, this sweet shelter dog gets a second chance at having an exquisite life with a forever family that loves her. To find out more about Bella, you can watch the video below. To find out how you can help Howl of a Dog, consider giving the precious gift of adoption to the dogs they have rescued and visit them on Facebook.