Baby, please don’t worry, everything will be okay!

Baby Winston is a podenco, a hunting canine. We don't know how his jaw was cracked on both sides, but it was enough for the huntsman to want him gone. He has his entire life ahead of him! Winston needs immediate jaw surgery.

At four months old and previously tortured and left for dead, Winston is nothing more than a tool for a huntsman, a broken tool to be discarded and cast away. But one person's scrap is another person's treasure. With our support, Winston will thrive following his surgery.

Winston is finally in surgery. He has necrotic tissue in his mouth, which might cause post-op complications, but he cannot stay like this. So keep your fingers crossed and your candles lit. This surgery is grueling and long.

That's wonderful news! Winston's recovery is going well after such a long and intricate surgery. Comprehensive examinations have been performed to ensure that everything is progressing as it should. Thankfully, there's no infection, and he's happily roaming around the sanitarium. Winston was briefly sedated for a thorough examination, which confirmed that everything is OK. Keep going, Winston, you've got this!

This puppy dog is taking everything in his stride and has clearly acclimated to living in the clinic (for the time being) for his post-op care. Winston is doing fantastic! Hopefully, he'll be suitable to join us at the Great House soon!

After all, Winston has left the sanitarium and arrived at his new home in the Big House. For the first time, he's free to run and explore like any other canine. It's awe-inspiring to watch his excitement as he discovers and enjoys his new surroundings.

We hope this is only the beginning of his numerous great moments! Thank you so much for making this happen.