Doctor's Discovery in Cemetery Solves Year-Long Mystery: She Was Just One Lucky Little Girl, A Twist of Fate.

Lately, a little canine named Truvy entered a croaker's office waiting room, where two strangers greeted her. At first, the 3-year-old doggy cautiously approached the man and woman, doubtful of what they wanted. After all, Truvy had been taking care of herself for some time, so she didn’t fluently trust others.

"We received a call from a lady who lives across the major road near the cemetery," Cindy Nash, author of Nicholas' Pet Haven, told The Dodo. "She said the little canine had been there for some time, but she was getting stalwart and they were hysterical she might try crossing the road. She wanted to know if we could come and try to get her."

Later that day, the rescue group ventured out to find the slapdash doggy and set humane traps. There, they met Dr. Harshivinderjit S. Bains, who had been watching over Truvy from a distance.

"He told me he really loves that canine and wanted to take her home," Nash said. "She had been living inside his clinic as it was being erected and managed to stay there all last downtime when it was so cold. He handed her with coverlet, food, and water for a time but could noway touch her."

"I brought her to my house not knowing how she'd act," Nash said. "I sat on the bottom and opened the pen. She ran straight into my stage, and I got the biggest kiss imaginable. She was an absolute doll. Covered in sticker churrs, I put her in the hogshead and started cutting out the matted mess. She was so happy to be saved, and it melted my heart."

"We called the family, and they were rapturous!" Nash said. "They moved to Texas a time ago, and Truvy went outdoors in her new yard. Little did they know, she could squeeze through the iron hedge, and off she went!"

"(When Truvy went missing) we incontinently canvassed the neighborhood, on foot and in buses," Amy Logan, Truvy's mama, told The Dodo. "For the coming many months, I drove, searching for her. I also posted on all the warhorse conventions, harbors, and deliverance groups within 60 long hauls in case she was picked up by someone that wasn't original."

“While we never gave up on finding her, after over a year, it was still a shock to find out she wasn't only safe but in good health after all she had been through," Logan said.

"It took her a nanosecond to figure out that it was her mama," Nash said. "By the time they got her home, she was settling down and knew she was home safe and sound. She was just one lucky little girl."

You can watch Truvy's reunion with her family here.

Bains was disappointed he did not get to give Truvy a forever home, but he took pleasure knowing Truvy had settled back in with her family, where she's been happily playing with her toys.

"She's not the same shy girl she was a year ago," Logan said. "(But) I can't express how thankful I am to Dr. Bains for everything he did to watch over and care for her."

Thanks to all the cooperation between the rescue, Dr. Bains, and everyone in between, Truvy and her family are now making up for lost time.