Dog Pokes Face Out Of Shelter Kennel So She Can Watch Her Friends Get Adopted

Chauncey, the beautiful puppy, pushed her head through a hole at the bottom of the door of her kennel at the Spartanburg Humane Society. She observed as yet another canine and their new family left the shelter.

Chauncey wasn't as gregarious as the other dogs, which may have been due to her breed. Whatever the cause, Chauncey was obviously having trouble finding her ultimate home.

According to Angel Cox, CEO of the Spartanburg Humane Society, "Chauncey is very shy until she gets to know you." So she essentially watched the world go by as the shelter was filled with barking and nonstop activity.

The personnel at the shelter felt terrible for Chauncey. They hoped someone would give the precocious pup a chance since they felt she had the potential to be a wonderful friend. Staff personnel entertained Chauncey while she waited by giving her lots of pets and taking her on lengthy walks.

She enjoyed being carried and walked by the volunteers and staff, according to Cox. She is excellent on a leash, making her a volunteer favorite.

Chauncey was returned to the humane society after finding her first home to be unsuitable. Despite the setback, Chauncey was determined not to give up on finding her forever family.

Eventually, another family came forward after seeing a Facebook post about Chauncey. This time, Chauncey was ready to showcase her endearing personality to the fullest. It was immediately clear that they were the perfect match for each other.

Cox remarked, "She sold herself right away." Chauncey is a highly affectionate dog who charmed them with her tenderness.

The shelter staff was ecstatic to see Chauncey leave the humane society with her family because it meant that the dog had finally found her forever home.

"We always mourn them when they leave," Cox said, "but we were so pleased for her to find a terrific home." When they are adopted, it is undoubtedly bittersweet, but we are always joyful on the inside.