Poor abandoned dog is dying breathing his last breaths by the roadside looking pitiful but no one comes to help him

There was a poor dog abandoned on the roadside. The dog was lying motionless, gasping for breath and taking its last breaths. It looked very pitiful, but no one came to help.

Many people passed by, but no one cared about the dog. They just looked once and continued on their way. The dog felt very lonely and abandoned.

However, later on, a girl passed by and saw the dog lying on the roadside. The girl felt sorry for the dog and approached it. She used a wet cloth to cool the dog down and tried to call for help.

Finally, a dog rescue organization arrived and took the dog to the veterinary hospital. After a period of treatment, the dog recovered and found a new home.

The girl returned to visit the dog and was happy to see that it was healthier. The dog became a reliable friend of the girl and was always ready to protect and love her.

The story of this poor dog reminds us of the love and care we can give to other creatures, especially those who are abandoned and forgotten. A little care and help can bring joy and happiness to these creatures and can even change their lives.