Strength is not necessary, a loud voice will do! Internet amazed by video of barking dog bravely ѕсагіпɡ off leopard

Wild cats typically pounce on small creatures, but have you ever considered a dog frightening a leopard away? It seems implausible. However, a stray dog can be seen doing just that in a popular YouTube video.

On November 2, Twitter user Jaiky Yadav posted the video online, showing a dog dozing off on a road while a leopard attempts to pounce on it. Instead of fleeing the situation, the brave dog puts on a defiant display by barking at the leopard. The dog continues to bark fiercely at the leopard, forcing the wild animal to retreat back into the woods.

"Agar ye darr jata, toh pakka marr jata (If he had been afraid, he would have undoubtedly perished)" is the caption on the post. The post has received more than 1.17 lakh views and 5600 likes since it was uploaded on the microblogging platform. Additionally, the 10-second viral film has sparked a lot of user responses.

"He is scared, but he has dared to protest in fear, so he may have survived," a user said. Fear is normal, but giving up the fight because of it is wrong.

"A dog will hold its tail lower and may even tuck it between its back legs if it feels afraid or submissive. Here, the dog is either exceedingly frightened or incredibly obedient towards the cheetah. As a result, another person said, "The dog here holds its tail tightly against its belly instead of wagging it happily because it is trying to show respect and submission to the cheetah."

"The best kind of defense is offense," a third person said.

"Killing a dog is not a huge issue for a leopard. Strange that it couldn't finish its work," a fourth individual remarked.