The kind dog chased his best friend’s funeral for more than 2 miles, leaving those around him in tears when he witnessed this touching scene

Dogs frequently astound us with their devotion to individuals they view as family. In a Malaysian village, a dog trailed the funeral procession of his closest buddy. The woman’s friends and relatives had come to bid farewell, but none noticed Bobby joining them as a demonstration of his deep affection for the deceased.

Leong Khai Wai, the great-grandson of the woman, observed out the window as the dog followed the caravan for two kilometres and then pulled off to the side of the road.

Leong stated to The Dodo:

“I doubt anyone was aware he was following us,”

We hope that someone did agree to take the dog for the remainder of the journey to the graveyard since he deserved it for his loyalty and devotion for the departed.

This faithful dog chased her best friend’s funeral procession

The dog refused to budge from the spot where he had fallen during the burial of the casket, and his eyes betrayed the utmost anguish.

Leong declared

They said they had never witnessed a dog show such unwavering loyalty.

After losing his human mother, Bobby was devastated, and it could take a while for him to recover. Fortunately, Leong’s great-grandfather and great-uncle are taking care of him and surrounding him with loads of affection.