The touching image of a mother dog, despite being chained around her neck, still trying her best to protect the safety of her 6 poor puppies has touched everyone’s hearts

An incident in Ireland recently made netizens in general and dog and cat lovers shaken. Accordingly, despite being chained up to a metal fence, the 2-year-old mother still cares and protects her newborn puppies despite extremely unfavorable conditions. According to the Irish Times, the mother dog and her cubs went without food and water for days. Fortunately, a passerby spotted them in a field next to the small town of Elphin and intervened in time.

This person then promptly called for help so that the mother dog and her cubs were taken to a veterinary clinic of the Irish Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals (ISPCA) for timely treatment. . Some rescuers say they were abandoned soon after the mother gave birth. But the length of time the dogs were trapped remains a mystery. The manager of the ISPCA center assessed that the behavior of leaving the pregnant mother dog in a leash is inhumane, completely killing it because of the risk of lack of food and water for many days. According to this person’s share, when the dog was rescued, the climate was quite cold and it rained continuously, so bad consequences could completely happen without quick help

Hình ảnh chó mẹ bị xích nhưng vẫn cố đùm bọc 6 chó con làm lay động cư dân mạng - Ảnh 1.

Hình ảnh chó mẹ bị xích nhưng vẫn cố đùm bọc 6 chó con làm lay động cư dân mạng - Ảnh 2.

The mother dog and her cubs were taken to ISPCA National Animal Center in Longford County for emergency treatment. Subsequent results showed that they were not significantly disadvantaged, except for being left hungry for too long in the lonely fields.

Hình ảnh chó mẹ bị xích nhưng vẫn cố đùm bọc 6 chó con làm lay động cư dân mạng - Ảnh 3.

When ISPCA posted on Facebook a picture of a mother dog taking care of her cubs, viewers left a lot of comments. One reviewer: “It’s inconceivable that any owner could be so heartless to throw them away in the cold. The mother dog is so pitiful to have to protect her young. It’s touching to see the humanity of the dog. they.” Another commented: “We need to have stricter sanctions against those who abuse animals and commit cruelty to them. Pet neglect cases like this are so horrible. terrible and needs to be stopped soon.”Hình ảnh chó mẹ bị xích nhưng vẫn cố đùm bọc 6 chó con làm lay động cư dân mạng - Ảnh 4.

Because the owner could not be found, the rescuers named the mother dog Emmy Lou. The six puppies are named Billy Ray, Dixie, Dolly, Dotty, June and Patsy. They will stay with the ISPCA until an adopter is found. According to WHO data, only about 10% of feral dogs are brought to an animal rescue center each year. Apparently, Emmy Lou and her children were lucky enough to be rescued by a kind pedestrian.